Hej tu znalazlam jeszcze cos ciekawego na temat tych 2 podgatunkow:
Subspecies: Testudo graeca Iberia (eastern race) It is difficult to tell if young animals are male or female. Depending on the age and the size, the sex can be differentiated. The tail of a male tortoise is longer and thicker as the penis is integrated. The whole bodies of younger animals are still growing and that’s what makes it difficult to know exactly if it’s a male or female.
The shell is oval shaped and has an olive coloured basis tone with irregular pigments. It is easier to recognise the colour difference on younger animals than on adults. The eastern race is widespread in Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Caucasus. Testudo graeca Iberia is a tortoise race that becomes very large. The length of the shell can reach up to 35 cm. The weight of Moorish tortoises living in the wild is between 1700 g and 2000 g. As with the Greek tortoises, the Moorish males also have a longer and stronger tail. Winter can be spent in a frost free room or in a greenhouse. The eastern race needs plenty of warmth.
Subspecies: Testudo graeca graeca (western race)
The basis colour of the shell differentiates a lot. It can be bright yellow, pale olive or brown to red brown. The black pigments are also present. However, the back edge does not have any pigments. The western race is smaller than the eastern race and has a highly curved shell (length up to 25 cm). Testudo graeca graeca can be found in southern Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Only small populations have been proved there. The largest population is estimated to be in Spain. Hibernation should not follow outdoors. They need a frost free room, where no wet and cold weather can enter.
Dodano 01.12.2009, 20:35:56 pm
Kuba foty nie chca sie otworzyc....